Saturday, October 31, 2009

Car Wreck

So I have posted before how much Branson loves his Hotwheels cars. I have also mentioned how those Hotwheels cars end up all over the entire house. Well yesterday those cars got the best of him when he stepped on a car on the wood floor with his left foot. His left leg went one way and his body went another. After a trip to the ER we discovered that Branson has broken his Tibia (the large bone between the knee and the ankle.) The copy of the X-Ray that we were given wasn't all that clear and trying to scan it into my computer made it even less clear so I have gone over the break with red so that you can see it more clearly.Before the Pain Meds kicked in... After the Pain meds kicked in...No hard feelings towards his precious Hotwheels cars...
In fact...the splint makes great racing lanes for the cars.

Mom can't wait for the leg to be in an actual cast on Monday. Toddlers might have a little more difficulty removing that. Until then we will watch lots of Elmo, race Hotwheels cars, keep up on pain medication and play in the beans.And maybe open up a few Birthday presents a week early.


  1. Ouch! Poor guy! I remember when Abby Mathews broke her leg--you feel so bad for them especially when they're so young!

  2. Your poor little guy! That sounds miserable. He looks like he's handling it well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh Amy, he is precious. I feel so bad for him. When my son was around his age his older brother and sister were playing with him (rough housing)and broke his leg. I knew it was broke by his cry. After they put the blue cast on his leg there was no stopping him though! I can't believe that son is 23 years old now!
    I hope that you have a decent weekend, it's hard work (on you) until they get the cast on!


  5. this is the post i've been waiting for! i wondered how he was handling it all. so funny how handy the splint is in the hotwheels world. when i saw that pic it completely reminded me of stories of seth when he was tiny. i still don't think he's ever let go of the hotwheels fascination! lol. i say this cause each year for christmas that's exactly what daisy gets him, and its always his favorite present! take care & enjoy the beans. =)

  6. Oh poor lil buddy! He looks like he's having a good time, though!

  7. How sad! I can't believe it happened so easily:(

  8. That's terrible! Glad he's feeling better. They say little ones heal fast. Sure hope he does!!

  9. Poor guy and sure glad that there is no psychological trauma towards hotwheels.

  10. Oh man, that's terrible!! Glad he isn't holding the cars personally responsible though...

  11. Oh, poor baby!!! Thank goodness for pain meds!! Hope it heals quick!!

  12. It seems wrong to say he's adorable in his cast, because it really is a sad thing...but he's adorable in his cast.

  13. soft casts are so scary! I don't know how the hospital can send you home with a toddler and say be careful with that until we get a hard cast on it! Those pictures are adorable though, poor guy! Poor You!

  14. Hopefully things are going better now that he's in a cast. Poor little guy. He is still adorable, even though it's sad.
