Monday, November 2, 2009

November New Era

We haven't received our Church Magazines yet for this month. It seems that November is always a tad late due to it being a General Conference Issue. But Scott Ashton looked on line and on page 9 of The New Era is a picture of the most handsome boys I have ever seen!(Anderson 3rd one in from the left. Cayden far right.)
I really can't believe it! I always wanted to be in the New Era when I was a teenager. I guess I will have to live vicariously through my kids. And I will be eagerly awaiting for the actual magazine to arrive in the mail!


  1. HOW STINKING COOL IS THAT?!?!!?!!!! Now all the molly mormon girls will hang page 9 up on their walls next to their bed and smooch on a picture of your sons before they go to sleep, dreaming of their prince charmings. hahahaaa. My cousins are rock stars!

  2. NO WAY!!! That is awesome!!! I thought all the New Era magazine articles were always four years behind! I can't believe I'm related to Mormon celebrities.

  3. Such handsome boys. This is something they will remember forever!

  4. That is so awesome! Famous :)

    (I always wanted to be in the Friend, never happened)

  5. How very cool is that?! congrats to your handsome young men!!

  6. What a wonderful thing. When things like that happen with our children I just can't help but think, another strong link in the chain of their legacy to their future families.

  7. That is so awesome! Great picture too. I just got my magazines yesterday, so maybe yours will come today. Too bad we don't get the New Era though.

  8. We heard about it from our cousins in Wyoming. They called to tell us they saw Jory in the New Era! I've needed to renew our subscriptions forever. I'm doing it today.

  9. Wow, That is SO awesome!! I need to get my hands on a hardcopy of the New Era - we let our subscription slide...

  10. cool! I always wanted to be in the friend:) They all look so handsome.

  11. That is so cool! The picture is great of them! Who sent it in?

  12. awesome luv! what great examples they are & what a fabulous cherry to top off the sweetness of their conference adventure?! =) you've got 2 handsome, valiant young men amy!

  13. That is amazing! I have famous cousins!

  14. That's really awesome. :)) I wonder how they pick kids to be in it. It's probably almost time to start our New Era subscription. Abbey is 11 and in the 6th grade after all. This is probably the best time to do it.
