Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What does Branson's splint and Branson's Mom Have in Common?

They are both becoming completely unraveled. So Branson broke his leg last Friday but the orthopedic surgeon didn't want to see him until this Thursday. They wanted to be absolutely sure that the swelling was down. I failed to mention to the receptionist, as she gave me the date of his appointment, that this would land on his second birthday. So besides having to wait forever to get a cast on his leg the pore little guy has to spend his birthday in a doctors office. We have been keeping one of John's socks on the leg so Branson can't mess with it, but today he beat me to the punch. I heard him saying "Ow....owwww...ow.....owweeey." When I came around the corner he had completely dismantled his splint and all the fluff that goes around it. If you think this looks bad, you should see all my bookshelves that are at ground level.


  1. I just love the look on his face which is saying: I didn't do it, mom!
    Happy birthday Branson and happy cast, mom.

  2. Aww, he broke his leg? I feel so sad for him. Although, I am always amazed at how well kids handle such injuries. We adults, we're wimps aren't we?

  3. Good thing they don't remember their birthdays at this least I hope not! He doesn't look like he had too much trouble with that splint!

  4. Hopefully everything goes well today! I forgot that Sydney told me he sucks on his two fingers. Cute!

  5. I can't believe they are waiting that long to put a cast on. How does the swelling go down when a 2 year old is running around anyway?

    On a totally different note: He is just the cutest little boy ever!


  6. Oh man! Poor little guy. :/ Poor Amy too. ;)

    I hope he gets his cast soon. It broke my heart a little to read the "oow oow".

  7. Poor Branson. I hope he will do well with his cast and not be too sidelined. I doubt that will be a problem for this busy little guy though.
    Happy Birthday sweet boy. He is starting to look so much like his handsome brothers too.

  8. oh man, amy. you and me, we need to get together. i am having to put all of my chairs on TOP of my table so hyrum will stop dragging them to the counters or the pantry and making absolute distruction. it must be the age. but i'm tired of it. and the fact that hyrum hasn't taken a nap in like five days.
    good luck with that whole broken leg thing. that just adds to the mahem.

  9. Ok Amy J., what does that shirt say he's wearing? Does it say "Undefeated champs?"-----so perfect. He is the undefeated champ at unravelling things!!! So cute though!!

  10. Poor little guy! He sure is so dang cute though!! I hope he doesn't figure out how to take the cast off!!!
