Monday, February 8, 2010

Pre-Teen Trauma

Cayden had four basketball games on Saturday and by Game number four Branson had spent enough time in the gym. We headed out to the hallway where he spotted the rows of High School Lockers. He fiddled with the combination lock...
And when his right hand didn't make it open he tried using the left.

When neither tactic produced results he did what every teenager does when they can't get their locker open...

He cried.


  1. Hahaha.

    In that last picture of him crying, he looks a lot like Anderson. I don't mean that Anderson cries (lol), there's just something about Branson's looks that resembles his big brothers a lot!!

  2. Awwwwwwww! He is so stinkin' cute! 4 basketball games is alot to wait through!


  3. hee hee heee! that is so stinkin' cute! oh dear goodness!

  4. yeah, i went to ALL of wendy's PHS performances, and they weren't like this. even the school talent shows didn't feature jaw-dropping skills like Tanner's. lol. seth's been doing nothing all weekend but going on about how shocking & good Tanner's performance was. he threw in josh groban, and then turned to me and said, "nope. josh doesn't do Tanner Torrescano any justice."
    what a riot.

  5. Oh how I love frustrated and overwhelmed little 2 year old boys.
    And dear little Branson in particular.
    Btw, Amy I LOVED your rule about pictures you left me as a comment. I had honestly NEVER thought about it that way. You would think I would have learned my lesson from the fact that there are hardly any pictures of me from 11 or 12 years til now. I am goin to brush off my silly insecurities about looking bad in pictures and start throwing myself in front of a camera as often as possible. I would be sad if my great grandchildren were never able to see what Grandma Sorenson really looked like!
    You, my dear cousin, have helped me to see a big huge light!

  6. I NEVER cried when I couldn't get my locker open, I'd give it a good swift kick!
    Love those pics!
