Friday, February 5, 2010

Winner And A Show

Anderson won his first wrestling match yesterday! This is his first year and he is really improving (and actually starting to like it.) After the match Anderson and I went on a "date" to an amazing performance by the Pasco High School 10th Avenue Singers. Anderson enjoys singing and has a great voice. I like that he had the opportunity to see other cool, masculine, young men sing and dance up on the stage.
Anderson was a bit embarrassed when I had someone take our picture at the show. Maybe I'm not as "cool" a mom as I thought I was.


  1. You're still cool...he might have been embarrassed but his smile says "yeah my mom is cool!"

  2. Way to go Anderson! AWESOME!

    And I must ditto the previous poster on the cool Mom comment!

  3. It's a cold wake up call when you realize your not cool anymore. I'm not that old! Well, it's better than trying to be the cool mom. That's the worst.

    I think Amy Poehler in Mean Girls.

  4. Your hair is so long and gorgeous! You look amazing! Im so sooooo soo excited to go watch tonight! Scott bought us tickets but Im with you and Im taking Rin because I want her to do it when she gets into high school! I heard it was awesome! My kids burst my bubble last year and told me I wasn't cool, I really thought I was......its been a hard and long year of realization but I think after a few more sessions of counseling I will get over it! :)

  5. You're cool just for taking him. Super excited for him that he won his match!

  6. I discovered long ago that a mom's definition of cool is practically the opposite of her children's. As long as you are friendly when their friends come over,and you make them feel welcome and, as long as you continue to show interest in the things they WANT you to know about, (and maybe not totally ignore but at least don't make too much noise about the other stuff, you know the stuff that's not BAD, just embarrassing.)as long as you don't try to be their best friend on My Space, (well I guess these days it's probably Face Book)and as long as you say yes to as many things as you can and save NO for those things that REALLY need a NO. Do all that and even if they might not tell you to your face you can be pretty much assured that they and their friends will put you strongly in the COOL MOM category.
    And one day you'll even get to talk to them about it!

    Amy, I'm sure that you are firmly in COOL MOM territory!

  7. Amy, I just love that black and white photo from Anderson!!! I know you a cool mum, so don’t you think otherwise.

  8. Yeah Anderson!! Way to go Buddy! How fun that you guys went out..

    Hey how can I take a good picture of me & a picture of my friend & put us together?
