Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What the Cazier's are Reading

Since the beginning of Christmas break the whole family has been in a reading frenzy. I am participating in the Project 365, where you take a photo each day for one year to document your life. This is a picture showing what our family is currently reading.

So who is reading what? Those who get it right are in for a little treat...

1. The Alchemyst
2. The Forgetful Elephant
3. Storm Thief
4. Glenn Beck: Real America
5.The Prince and the Pauper
6.Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star


**Stay Tuned: I received a ton of questions about digital scrapbooking. I am putting my thoughts and answers together and will have a follow-up post later this week.


Ben and Alissa said...

Hey Amy it's Alissa. I'm going to start commenting on the blogs I read (formerly stalk), so here goes!

Here's my guess on the books:

1. The Alchemyst --- Cayden
2. The Forgetful Elephant --- Branson
3. Storm Thief --- Anderson
4. Glenn Beck: Real America --- John
5.The Prince and the Pauper --- Sydney
6.Fable haven: Rise of the Evening Star --- Amy

Just guessing!

I really enjoy reading your blog!

Nicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicki said...

Okay, sorry. I had to delete my last answers and try again. Here goes:
1. Anderson
2. Branson
3. Amy
4. John
5. Sydney
6. Cayden
How'd I do? Hopefully, I at least got Branson's right;)

Alicia Leppert said...

1. Cayden
2. John
3. Sydney
4. Branson
5. Anderson
6. Amy

Alicia Leppert said...

Okay, just kidding. Here are my real answers:

1. Anderson
2. Branson
3. Amy
4. John
5. Sydney
6. Cayden

Kristen said...

1. The Alchemyst...Amy
2. The Forgetful Elephant...Branson
3. Storm Thief...Cayden
4. Glenn Beck: Real America...John
5. The Prince and the Pauper...Sydney
6. Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star...Anderson

How did I do? I was feeling pretty confident about my answer for Branson but then I thought, Amy could be trying to tricking us all by having someone else read that book. :o)

Lisa Christine said...

1. The Alchemyst - Anderson
2. The Forgetful Elephant - Branson
3. Storm Thief - Amy
4. Glenn Beck: Real America - John
5.The Prince and the Pauper - Sydney
6.Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star - Cayden

What fun!

Rachel said...

1. The alchemyst--Anderson
2. The forgetful Elephant--Branson
3. Storm Thief--Cayden
4. Glenn Beck--John
5. The prince and the Pauper--Sydney
6. Fable Haven--Amy

Love your blog Amy!

Marilyn said...

Amy here's my guesses.

1. Anderson
2. Branson
3. Amy
4. John
5. Sydney
6. Cayden

Mikki said...

OK, here are my guesses:
1. The Alchemyst--John
2. The Forgetful Elephant-Branson
3. Storm Thief--Anderson
4. Glenn Beck--Amy
5. The Prince...-Sydney
6. Fablehaven:...--Cayden

I love the Project 365 idea.

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

. The Alchemyst - anderson
2. The Forgetful Elephant- Branson
3. Storm Thief- amy
4. Glenn Beck: Real America- john
5.The Prince and the Pauper sydney
6.Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star cayden

I am probably totally wrong. It's a toughie.

I"m looking forward to your next digi-scrap blog post!

SuzanSayz said...

I'm not even going to try to guess cuz, I'm NEVER right. I'm just tickled pink that you have everybody in your family reading right now!
Who ever is reading "The Alchemist" I hope they are enjoying it. I tried to read it, but I just could not get into that book. I guess I read about half of it before I gave up.
I have read Prince and the Pauper. I read the actual unnabridged version straight from the pen of Mark Twain, but I love the children's versions they have so even younger kids can get to know the classics.
BTW, I thought of you the other day. I read "Gossamer" by Lois Lowry on Saturday. I was wondering if you have read any of her books. I think she is such a talented author, I love her books. On the off chance that you haven't read anything by her, I really really recommend "Autumn Street". It's one of her lesser known books, but it is absolutely wonderful.
Gee, here I go writing a novel of my own on your comments.
Happy reading to you and your family Cousin!

Anonymous said...

alchemist - you, amy
forgetful elephant - branson
storm thief - anderson
glenn beck - john
the prince and the pauper - sydney
fablehaven - cayden

Michelle said...

I don't know what you're actually reading, but I know you're supposed to be reading "Love Looks Not". ;)

dandee said...

Three people have already answered the way I would have. I'm too late, I guess.

polka dots said...

here is my guess:

#1 Amy
#2 Branson
#3 Anderson
#4 John
#5 Sydney
#6 Kaden

Jan said...

I am just impressed that you all read so much. Such a great example to us all. Yippee..

Kris said...

My guess to who's reading what.

Branson - #2
Sydney - #5
Cayden - #6
Anderson - #1
Amy - #4
John - #3

Don't laugh, cuz I can't tell from the covers what the age appropriate these books are. I love your blog too! So fun!

Anonymous said...

maybe it's becuase i've read the alchemist and cayden wouldn't like it. abe would like the glenn beck book, brigham has read fablehaven (they are his favorite) and the book that anderson is reading is one that he would read in a few years, kate would read the prince and the pauper and i would read the forgetful elephant to hyrum if i had it. so my dear, that is why i chose the way i did. maybe i also spend way too much time in barnes in noble in my free time without children. :) all of that time. uh..yeah. and i'm a shelfari addict.

Ashley Calaway said...

Hey Amy, I just found your blog and I am so excited! I want to know all about digital scrapbooking too. I do not have the patience or the resources for paper and stickers and stamps, etc :) Anyhow, here are my guesses

1. The Alchemyst- Amy
2. The Forgetful Elephant- Branson
3. Storm Thief- Anderson
4. Glenn Beck: Real America- John
5.The Prince and the Pauper- Sydney
6.Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star- Cayden

ashley said...


This is what Marcus and I thought. We noticed Anderson reading a book at Cayden's basketball game, but couldn't quite remember what it was!

hatch said...

Amy- Just the other day I found a comment on my blog from you from forever ago. I am so sorry I just now saw it. BTW my blog is not private anymore. Here are my guess on what everyone is reading
Caydan #6
Anderson #1
John #4
Sydney #5
Amy #3
I hope that I at least got Bransons right.
I would love to learn more about digital scrapbooking.....

LKP said...

Hey Amy!
Just wanted to send a literary shout-out in your family's direction. The Alchemyst is one of Daisy's absolute favorites! So much so, that she received the second one (The Magician) this summer for her birthday and devoured it in less than a day and a half!!! So, kudos to ya'll's taste in books. =)

Nancie said...

Hey Amy,
Thanks SOOOOO much for the gift card. You did NOT have to do that! Like I said it makes me feel good to know it all...
But thanks anyway, im dying to start another book, I've been neglecting MEEEE time.

Amy said...

Amy, I heard that Brenda left the breadmaker at your house. I will be over in Pasco on Friday, is there anyway I can pick it up or any way you can get it to Alicia for me?


LKP said...

we don't always theme our Sundays, it just depends on how busy the day is. Some Sundays are a bit overscheduled, but the ones that are 100% ours to ourselves-those we get creative with. We haven't done a Temple Sunday, but here are my ideas on that theme: we do have a game called Settlers of Zarahemla. It's just like Catan (if you're familiar with that) but in addition to building your civilization you also help build the temple. Perfect for Temple themed Sundays. Hawaiian Haystacks or Mashed Potato Mountains (heaping helpings of potatoes w/ a meaty gravy) are a good choice for dinner since in early times (before temples) God used tall mountains were utilized for temple work.
Anyhow, the theme Sundays are a nice way to be more mindful of what we learned and keep those lessons with us longer. =)

[jessica] said...

The Alchemyst - Amy
Glenn Beck - John
Storm Thief - Anderson
Fablehaven - Cayden
The Prince and the Pauper - Sydney
The Forgetful Elephant - Branson

Elizabeth said...

