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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Beware of Dog

A couple of days ago Grandpa called from downstairs to tell us that there were some ducks in our backyard. Branson and I headed out to the deck and watched them waddle around the grass for over 20 minutes. And what did Belle, our chocolate lab...the mighty bird hunter do the entire time?

Oh so fierce.


Jan said...

I swear that Mattie took pictures of those same ducks. They are the funniest thing. Such a funny Belle.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Those ducks hang out over here sometimes too. Unfortunately, they aren't street smart and I'm worried for them.
That's a good dog. I think she realizes it would be a lot of work chasing them.

By the way, I told the kids I'd pick them up if it's raining :)

Robin Beck said...

Belle the bird dog... Or should we say, "Belle the bird WATCHING dog"

:} It's okay Belle, I won't tell any of your friends, your secret is safe with me~♥

Heidi D said...

What a pretty dog. :) I love chocolate labs.

We have quail run through our yard all the time. Our cats sit in front of the glass slider and pace around. We have opened the door a few times to see if they will attack the birds. They just look a us like we are spoiling a good time and we should mind our own business. :)

Lisa Christine said...

lol....that cracks me up.

dandee said...

Ummm...love that picture of Belle. That's saying a lot too because I don't really like dogs.

Kristen said...

Ha ha ha. You did it again...often times your stories, the way you write, and the pictures you post to go along with it always make me literally Laugh Out Loud. The look on your dog's face is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

awesome dog.

Alicia Leppert said...

Seriously, it's not often I laugh out loud at a post. This was hilarious! And that really is a great picture of Belle, which is saying a lot since I once mistook her for a stray mangy mutt.

Shayla said...

I can't believe she didn't get up and try to eat them! I guess she just knew that you were having too much fun watching them and didn't want to ruin it by chasing them away. :-)

Ben and Alissa said...

How funny! I wonder what she was thinking about.

The Warnicks said...

Those same two ducks have been at my parents house in their pond! Lytton loves them also! They must be the neighborhood pets!

SuzanSayz said...

Well, it's quite obvious that Belle is a civilized bird hound. She knows that they are a nice suburban duck family. Not illegal immigrant ducks, who come here to start gangs and sell drugs.

Bren's Life said...

That's so funny that Chocolate just sat there.. My sns Guinea pig is named Chocolate too...
Thanks for all the ideas & comments.

Jodi said...

That's so funny! I love that Branson got to enjoy watching the birds and Belle didn't chase them away. If you ask me, she's a very considerate dog. :)