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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Does Anyone Know Where the Cat is?


SuzanSayz said...

It's like Branson has a guard cat.
Cute, cute, picture!

SuzanSayz said...
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Debie Spurgeon said...

Looks warm and snuggily. Does the cat sleep there all night?

Em and Ms said...

So cute. I love that you capture all these moments. I'm assuming the cat got in there on its own...

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

Our cat does the same thing! It's like they find the softest warmest place to snuggle up. So CUTE!! Your cat is beautiful by the way and your babe precious.

rip said...

After seeing this adorable picture, I really wish my hubby would let me get a cat! So sweet!

Anonymous said...

he's warm, cuddley and just the cats size. seems a perfect nap spot for me too!

Bren's Life said...

How sweet is that! Does it wake him up though?

Heidi D said...

Oh, that is so sweet. :)

Your kitty looks like our kitty. I think if we had a baby, Bruce would take naps with him too.

Elizabeth said...

That is so cute!!!!!! Both Branson and The Kitty


Ben and Alissa said...

Cute! Katie loves the picture, it has all the things she loves: babies, teddy bears and kitties.

Mikki said...

That's just so sweet!!