Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's My Birthday...Say Hi!

Today is my birthday and all I want to know is who visits my blog. Just leave me a comment and I will be one happy 30 something.


Paula -- CutieFruity said...


::lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Amy! You have the same birthday as Jared. How funny. I hope your birthday is wonderful and you feel very loved and special on your day!

JenFielding said...

Hi Amy, I'm a blog stalker. Have a happy birthday! I'm going to send you some books that I hope you'll review on your book blog.

meohmyers said...

Happy Birthday, Amy! Hope it's a great day for you despite the unraveling that's been going on lately! :) I love your blog, I read every post - on google reader. Happy 3?th!! :)

Kristen said...


Happy Birthday!!

[jessica] said...

happy birthday!

ashley said...

Happy Birthday Amy! I hope you have a great day!

Shayla said...

Happy Birthday, Amy! I hope you have a great day!

Lindsey said...

Hi Amy! I'm a reader but not much of a commenter, usually! But I thought I could do that much for a birthday girl! Happy Birthday!

aubrey said...


happy birthday cousin!

Ben and Alissa said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!

Brenda said...

Love ya Amy!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Alicia Leppert said...

For your birthday I shall write you a poem.

It's your birthday today
hip hip hooray
just thought I would say
you're A-okay.

That took me 45 minutes to write. You're welcome.

Alicia Leppert said...

For your birthday I shall write you a poem.

It's your birthday today
hip hip hooray
just thought I would say
you're A-okay.

That took me 45 minutes to write. You're welcome.

Alicia Leppert said...

And apparently I will do it twice.

Michelle said...

Happy 30-something! Hope it's a great day!

Robin Beck said...

Hi Birthday girl...

The "30 somethings" are wonderful years!

Happy Birthday Amy~

Hope you have a fabulous day!


Nicki said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope it's a good one. 30 somethings are great!

rip said...

Happy birthday partner! I hope you have many more thirty somethings!;)

Em and Ms said...

Happy Birthday Amy! I hope it's a great day for you.

LKP said...

fantastical happy birthday wishes to you from me! =) and if i wasn't still sick i've give ya hugs too, but instead, here's a virtual high-5!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm making my sister heather a mixed tape CD of my favorite 80's music - want one? :)

Debie Spurgeon said...

Hope your day is full of fun. Happy Birthday.

hatch said...

Happy Birthday Amy!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Amy. I know you know that I stalk your blog. I am sorry that I don't comment. I hope you have a great day.

tharker said...

Okay, I'm finally coming out. I'm a total Cazier Corner blog stalker!!

I hope you have had a wonderful birthday! Happy 30-something!

SuzanSayz said...

Have a Happy, HAPPY, Birthday my talented cousin!

Heidi D said...

You're having a birthday shout hurray! We're going to sing to you today! One year older and wiser too, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

I hope you have a great birthday. :))

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Happy Birthday Amy!! Hope it's a great day!!

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday!.. I stalk your blog too!

Mikki said...

Happy Happy Birthday Amy J!!!!!!!
oh, and Hi! :)

dandee said...

We love you. Hope you had a happy day!

Svenja said...

Happy Birthday little sister!!! You are amizing

Bren's Life said...

What a loser friend I am.. I missed your Birthday! I hope you had a Great day and all your wishes came true!!! Share with us what you did!!
Happy Birthday!!!

Deborama said...

Happy B-day! That was awesome!