Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back On Track

During the summer we actually had a pretty good routine going. We would all get up, eat breakfast and then together we would clean the whole house. Typically we would start in my bedroom and make our way down the hall and end up in the kitchen. Sometimes this took two hours but mostly it took about 20 minutes. After the clean up was complete, friends could come over and X-Box could be played. With simple reminders throughout the day to pick up after themselves our home stayed in decent shape.

Yesterday after the kids had left for school I found their beds unmade and their room a mess. I spent the day putting things in order and when Sydney and Cayden arrived home they found this note laying on their neatly made beds... The Cazier Household is now back on the "Keeping it Clean" chart and after peeking into their rooms just now...it seems to still do the trick.


  1. You Rock! I think this will be enforced at our house at some point... I just love the idea.

  2. What a great way to take care of an age old problem! Amy, somethimes you just Crack Me Up!

  3. Oh my goodness!!!! I love, love that note!!! I am definitely going to stash away that idea for the future!

  4. Amy, I seriously LOVE this idea. And it is just in time because our first day is tomorrow!

  5. Nice. :)

    We are dejunking the girls rooms today. They don't have enough money to compensate me for the time I'm about to spend!

  6. I'm also going to store this away to use later. It is such a great way to teach responsibility, hard work, and money management! Love it!

  7. Your idea "Keeping It Clean" is so smart! And your little note was a sweet reminder to your kids.

  8. you're so creative! Love the poster.

  9. Sweet...can you come implement this at our house now? You know, cause cleaning it yesterday for me wasn't quite enough. :)
