Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Winners! picked 4,9 and 10 as the lucky winners of the Christmas CD! That means Aubrey, Kristen and Alissa WIN! You three lucky ladies will receive your prize shortly! Please email me at with your address!

I am also feeling like a million bucks today! I have several freebies on my scrapbooking blog and they have already been picked up and recognized by the free digital sites. It's pretty cool to see my stuff on worldwide blogs that I visit every single day.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Falling For Fridays

Picture me pushing Branson in his stroller down a rough cement walk way toward the Columbia River bike path. We see hundreds of seagulls directly in front of us just milling around. Can you see the light bulb click in my fun it would be to push Branson really fast yelling "Fly Birdies Fly!" How thrilled a toddler would be to see so many birds fly off at the same time.

Picture me taking exactly three running steps. In that picture did you see the small patch of grass growing out of a crack in the Me neither.

Picture the stroller coming to a complete stop after the wheels hit that patch of grassy weeds. But do I stop...oh no I do not!

Picture this...The stroller slams forward into the ground as the weight of my body continues on even after the stroller has come to a halt. I fly (I think I caught some serious air) over the stroller and end up sprawled on the cement quite a distance in front of the stroller. Before I assess my own wounds I look back after hearing Branson screaming. Now sometime during this whole charade the seagulls flew off in all their splendid glory but I sure didn't see it and neither did Branson cause he was face down against the cement and completely covered up by the stroller.

Branson and I are going to skip Fridays for a while. He broke his leg on a Friday and this happened last Friday. I am still pretty sore from the fall and you should see the nasty ginormous bruise on my thigh. But it is nothing compared to what Branson received. I feel terrible! Every time I look at it a wave of motherly guilt hits me in the gut. And no one was even there to get a good view of a 30 something woman flying over her son's stroller.
*If you are a digital scrapbooker I have a freebie template that you can find here.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Christmas Giveaway!!!!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Some of the things I love about this Christ centered holiday are the shopping, the service, the happiness, the excitement, the gatherings, the spirit, the presents, the food, the decorations, and the music! Leave a comment and be entered to win a mix of Christmas music. You can choose between A Child's Christmas or An Adult Christmas Mix or a Mix of Both Adult & Children's Christmas! Just let me know in your comment which one you would pick if you were to win. Three winners will be picked at random in a few days! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday Madness!

While Anderson was off with his dad catching two Steelhead and shooting one pheasant, Cayden stayed home. When Payson and Macy came over Cayden got an idea... Take one roll of toilet paper...
One enthusiastic volunteer...
And wrap away.

I was impressed that Cayden first asked if it was OK to use an entire roll of toilet paper for their little game.I said it was fine as long as every single bit of TP was picked up.
So what do you do with all that toilet paper when you are done making mummies?

Why you wet it down and form a giant TP snowball of course!
Hours later when I ran into the kids bathroom to grab something this is what I found...

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Icing on The Cake

As much as I would love to take credit for these cute photos of Branson, I can't. Anderson not only let him lick the edges of the frosting bowl but he helped himself to my most prized material camera. So besides cute shots of the youngest Cazier getting a sugar high...
the other news that is finger lickin' good... is that I am now a part of a digital Scrapbooking CT (creative team)!
I get to design digital scrapbook pages for Scraps-n-Pieces!
I am so excited to take this on and I feel honored to be chosen. I have started a new blog to highlight my hobbies so take a peek at Just For Fun...A Place for Scraps & Photos.
As soon as I get the hang of this I want to start offering digital freebies. This may not make any sense to most of you but I am ecstatic!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Photo Shoot

I was honored when Danyelle asked if I would take Abby's photos for her baptism. They came over on a gorgeous November day and while Abby was putting on her dress I snuck outside with Oliver to snap a few pictures. Take two very cute kids and a beautiful fall day and this is what you get...

Now if only my kids would be so cooperative when I go to take their picture!

CAST that Splint Aside!

On Thursday Branson turned 2 years old!On Thursday Branson got a handsome blue cast to replace the nasty ole' splint.

I would love to say that on Thursday Branson was happy and sweet and the perfect Birthday Boy...but he wasn't.
On Thursday Night he did love opening presents...presents that were all "floor friendly."

He got some Elmo DVD's, new books, a cars and trucks sound puzzle,
and his favorite...
the Fisher Price Race and Crash Speedway.
I had seen this in the store before and had decided that it was a toy I would never purchase. (When will I learn never to use that word?) It didn't require enough imagination or creativity on the child's part. But after a week of not being able to run and jump and ride around on his tractor, and thinking about the l...o...n...g four weeks ahead...this toy was exactly what Branson (and Mom) needed!

Need I say more?

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's My Birthday...Say Hi!

Today is my birthday and all I want to know is who visits my blog. Just leave me a comment and I will be one happy 30 something.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What does Branson's splint and Branson's Mom Have in Common?

They are both becoming completely unraveled. So Branson broke his leg last Friday but the orthopedic surgeon didn't want to see him until this Thursday. They wanted to be absolutely sure that the swelling was down. I failed to mention to the receptionist, as she gave me the date of his appointment, that this would land on his second birthday. So besides having to wait forever to get a cast on his leg the pore little guy has to spend his birthday in a doctors office. We have been keeping one of John's socks on the leg so Branson can't mess with it, but today he beat me to the punch. I heard him saying "Ow....owwww...ow.....owweeey." When I came around the corner he had completely dismantled his splint and all the fluff that goes around it. If you think this looks bad, you should see all my bookshelves that are at ground level.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November New Era

We haven't received our Church Magazines yet for this month. It seems that November is always a tad late due to it being a General Conference Issue. But Scott Ashton looked on line and on page 9 of The New Era is a picture of the most handsome boys I have ever seen!(Anderson 3rd one in from the left. Cayden far right.)
I really can't believe it! I always wanted to be in the New Era when I was a teenager. I guess I will have to live vicariously through my kids. And I will be eagerly awaiting for the actual magazine to arrive in the mail!