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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Never Say Never

Branson is a fish. He loves water so much that he jumps in the pool whether someone is waiting to catch him or not. Oh, he's been told "NO!" countless times and he's started to sink to the bottom several times but he comes up coughing and smiling! It's scary. I don't dare blink when we are near the pool and in a few days we head to a week long vacation on a lake. I bought something that I swore I would never by. I will be using something that I vowed I would never use. For $6.00 at Wal-mart I became one of "those mom's." And when we are at that lake Branson will be wearing a safety harness. Yes. Call it a leash if you like. Make jokes about tying him to a tree. But I want to know where that little stinker is every minute we are on vacation!


Kristen said...

In a little over a week we're going on vacation to a lake also! I can hardly wait!

Kris said...

That's what you gotta do when they are on the go all the time. It's hard to keep up with those busy bodies! Have fun on your trip!

Em and Ms said...

That is so scary! My friend's little boy is like that with pools. I'm so glad Madelyn is still a little scared. I think moms end up doing a lot of things we swore we never would! Have fun at the lake!

Robin Beck said...

That cutie is a little stinker! Hey Amy, I think a mom needs to do what a mom needs to do to keep her kids safe!
Too many things can happen too quick with those little rugrats!

Have fun at the lake!

melissa mae said...

I TOO became one of "those" moms when I realized Mae was fearless. I decided I'd rather know my daughter is safe then worry about what other people are thinking! It's totally worth the peace of mind.

Heidi D said...

Tying him to a tree! HA HA HA! That's a good one...can you do that to older kids too?

Shayla said...

What a super cute photo! I don't blame you at all, drowning can happen WAY too fast. I hope you have a great time on your vacation!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hello Amy
I came over from Robin's blog after reading your comment. I met many of my blogging friends too through Robin's blog and her Christmas Stocking Swap. I have enjoyed reading your blog today. You have a beautiful family and I enjoyed hearing all about your life.
Have a lovely time at the lake.

aubrey said...

After reading all the other comments there is not much more to say! I hope you guys have a lot of fun on your trip and am glad that your little fish will be kept safe :)

Deborama said...

I love kid harnesses and killing 100 shad fish! You can't catch 100 salmon when you go fishing in that amount of time, its obvious HF wants those fish out of his river! :) Have fun on your vacation!

SuzanSayz said...

Amy, you did good.
When my kids were that age I was always terrified of them drowning whenever we were at a pool. When there is a full pool and lots of kids, it is scary just how quickly you can lose track of the youngest ones. When Courtney was around two, we were at my Aunt Doris' house swimming. Courtney was in the water in her little two ringed, supposedly safe, baby floaty, I thought someone was watching her. I looked up and she was tipped forward head in the water and couldn't get up. I screamed and dashed to her end of the pool. It felt like with all of the noise that no one could hear me. Fortunately a few people did and they got to her before I could.
So you do what you need to do to keep that precious little Branson safe.

Anonymous said...

good for you. good for you.

Anonymous said...

I had one for Kennedy and I swear it saved her life. Especially in airports! (Even though I got rude looks and comments) We do what we gotta do to keep them safe and us sane!