Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Spot The Difference Give Away!

We had an amazing vacation...but before I share all the fun we had I am in the mood to have a Give Away! There are two ways to enter and two ways to win. Comment on this post and you will automatically be entered in the contest. You can also have some fun and take a close look at the two pictures below...the first photo is the original (yes there are goats on the roof!) There are 22 differences in the bottom photo. See if you can find them all and Email me your results at Amyjcaz@hotmail.com to be entered in the contest a second time.

The winners will each receive a personalized "Spot the Difference" book. I will take 10 of the winners personal photos and, depending on their preference, make their families book easy or a bit more challenging. Your kids will love it so give it a shot! (Hint: The only way you will be able to spot all the differences is by clicking on the photo so you can get a much closer look at the two photos) The contest ends Wednesday night at 8:00.



Jan said...

How fun Amy. So glad you are home. I will do that 22 thing after work today. Very clever.

I can't wait for all the feasting on the great pictures.

Glad you had fun and glad you are home safe. Love the goats. Climb every rooftop.

Lisa Christine said...

Oh fun!!! I am definately going to give it a try!

Deborama said...

22! Your crazy! I already found 6. I love getting to know you better, you need to come over more often. Im sure with all the scout meetings your thinking you would like to come less! :) Your fabulous!

Shayla said...

Glad you had a great vacation. I've already spotted a few differences in the pictures, I'll have to give it a try! Your giveaways are always so clever!

Anonymous said...

holy cow did i spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on this. i found 22 but i'm not sure if one of them is really something or just a gliche. we'll have to see. i'm emailing you right...now...

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I love these kinds of games.

Brenda said...

I'm working on it!

BTW - You can send me over some of your pics and I will get your layouts done!!! I have lost your email somewhere.

Alicia Leppert said...

Done! It only took me about 15 mins. This is my favorite game in People mag. so I'm an old pro at it now. This was so much fun, I hope I win! You are so good at photoshopping.

Nicole said...

for some reason, I can't click to see it bigger. That's tough! I've got 11, but I'll have to work on it more later.

What a fun giveaway!

Jodi said...

How fun!! I'll try to find 22!

dandee said...

I'm sure you have a winner by now. What a fun idea!

Glad you are all back home safe and sound.

rip said...

I love these things! I'm sure I'm too late but I'll try anyway.

Washington Rimmasch Family said...

My kids LOVE- LOVE- LOVE these games maybe we will do it together! Count me in. Oh and I am totally interested in those pacifiers.

SuzanSayz said...

I'm so happy you had such a great vacation!!! Where on earth in Canada were you guys in this picture?? I would have thought that the only places that would have grass growing on a ceiling and goats eating the grass, would be somewhere in the wilds of, oh, maybe Switzerland. I didn't think there was anything that rustic in Canada.
I don't know why but my computer will never blow up pictures when I click on them. I found about seven differences but without making them bigger I don't think I will do very well. That is such a fun and clever thing for you to do though!

Debie Spurgeon said...

This is a really cool idea, I can't wait to take a closer look at those pictures to spot the differences. I'm going to be cutting it close because I've got to head out right now. I'll check back with you later.

Bren's Life said...

Wait - Wait.. It's 7:56 pm.. Ok- I am looking. My heck, I didn't realize you were back already. I so want you to make me a book. I'll pay you. ok- stop typing Bren & look at the pictures......

Kris said...

I want to enter the contest. I know it's past time. It was fun seeing you tonight!