Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Weight Loss Group

The group will be starting on Friday September 4th at 12:30
Anyone who is serious about getting themselves in shape is invited.
We will hold meetings every Friday at 12:30 at my home.
Meetings will last under one hour.
The goal is to work together as a group to motivate one another.
We will share our ideas, our success's and our trials in weight loss.
Weigh-In is optional.
Please let me know if you would like to participate!


Alicia Leppert said...

I am so. there.

Heidi D said...

I would go if I lived there. :)

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Boy does thsi sound great! I would totally come and take part if only we were closer.

Anonymous said...

this is so funny that you posted this today. i just called one of my good friends and we have just ventured into noelle and becky's biggest loser. we both have 20 pounds to lose and i'm using thanksgiving as our goal. whoever loses has to take the other one to dinner in their town (we live 1 1/2 hours away). maybe you could post the best stories of each meeting?

aubrey said...

Wish I could be "so there"....would you consider a web camera member? hee hee! HELP ME I'M FAT and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

melissa mae said...

Can the Peterson girls join via blog?

LKP said...

Count me in Amy!!!
It's one of those things, I KNOW I need to do better, but I'm not all about the gym (or the gym $$$), and its hard to be motivated to do it all on my own. So, since I have the 4th off...I'll be there. =) BTW, we lived in Rexburg when that pic was taken. Fun group of gals to work with, and phenomenal YW to serve!
(P.S. Correction Heidi-you'll come WHEN you live here!!!)

Lisa Christine said...

I might need to join in.....especially after I GAINED a bunch of weight on vacation.

SuzanSayz said...

It sounds great!
Unfortunatly, I'm just not much of a joiner.
Not to worry though, I will be there in spirit!
Please lose a few for me Amy!!!

Shayla said...

Just what I need! I'll do my best to be there!