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Monday, May 26, 2008

A Memorial Weekend to Remember

So this weekend we loaded up the Motorhome and the boat and headed off to some lake outside of Spokane. We got the best camp site in the place, right next to the lake and a cute little stream.

We spent lots of time on the boat fishing for Sunfish, Crappie, Perch and we even caught a few Bass.

A boy after my own heart...if the fishing wasn't on fire Anderson had his nose in a new book. (I was excited to find him a new series about James Bond as a teenager, an immediate hit)

This is a picture of when Branson liked fishing. I won't even mention how many times the boat turned back to our campground on account that Branson had had enough.

The one and only time that I got to fish...Branson and Sydney asleep under a makeshift tent.

MOM: "What Cayden? You like fishing?" CAYDEN: "Well, yea when you catch something." We are all used to Sturgeon and Salmon fishing where you throw in your line and wait...and wait...three hours later you still wait...and wait...

When we weren't fishing the kids had a blast racing pine cones down the little stream. I think that is Anderson's cone that is winning. They even gave them names (they were so ridiculous I can't even remember them.) Some anal head camp lady came over and told them to stop sending the pine cones down the stream and into the lake, that it will hurt the fish. Uhhh, OK lady, have you looked around the lake...pine trees all over the place dropping tons of pine cones into the water. Maybe she is the pine cone police. Anyway my kids adapted and simply grabbed their cones before they entered the lake.

Did you know that hot dog skewers make great javelins? Of course I didn't let them throw them... at anybody. They had to be facing away from any human life form and only aim at the empty cupcake box.

John and the kids thought it was a riot to chew up sunflower seeds and then spit the shells at each other...when they realized that mom thought this was not only uncool but totally disgusting I became the main target.

We had a great time and headed home.

Right outside of Spokane the motor home blew a tire. It was so loud that I thought the entire back of the motor home had broke off onto the highway. (Kind of like that old Herbie movie when Herbie the Lovebug comes unwelded and splits apart) anyway Branson kept right on sleeping and the kids didn't even flinch (They did have earphones on watching a movie) The tire pretty much ripped our wheel well to shreds. I tell you, this stretch of highway is bad luck for our family. Years ago Karen Jenkins and I broke down and because she was great with child I had her flag down a car for help (you know, playing the sympathy card). In this same leg of the trip my parents had a flat last year on the way home from Silverwood, John broke down when traveling with a buddy and here we are again!

Well I love my husband but let's just say I fix the toilets around this house. I know how to change a tire but we couldn't find one single tool to use. Luckily a friend of his was about 1/2 hour behind us and they helped us out. It's a good thing too because I never knew a motor home tire was so much harder to change...3 hours later we were back on the road. Oh and guess where good ole Uncle Sam's money is going to be spent now, cause the back tires on our motor home are Duelies, meaning there are four of them. Oh happy day.


Alicia Leppert said...

Wow. Bill told me you left a message saying you got a flat on the way home. I'm so glad we raced to the dump today to get you the trailer back by 4:00 :) What an adventurous weekend! I loved the picture of Branson in his exersaucer on the boat. How do you know how to change a tire and I don't?

Debie Spurgeon said...

What fantastic memories for your kids. The camping/fishing trip has to be among my kids favorites too. I love the fact that pinecones and water can keep kids entertained, too bad the pinecone police had nothing better to do that day.

Thanks for sharing the cute pictures.

Jan said...

Okay Amy, the only thing that I kept thinking about was the stream.
That was the official "Pinecone" derby. Thats how it all started..

What a fantastic weekend of all things that your family loves. Together, fishing, camping and eating. I can only assume that the boys love to eat. Good job on the fish caught. Sounds like a fun place to hang out. Javelins just provide one more great thing right..At least everyone returned home with their eyes attached..

Em and Ms said...

Wow--what a fun camping trip (minus the blown tire of course). Kids can find fun in anything. What are those books about James Bond called, and who is the author? My sister is always looking for books for her 11-year-old boy. He reads so fast she can't keep up!

rip said...

I am a little envious of your getaway! (o.k. a LOT envious:)) Where you went looks very pretty. Your kids will remember these trips fondly.

Jodi said...

I love camping and fishing! I'm totally bummed that Mick had to work this weekend. Now that our kids are older, I told Mick I want to camp all summer. If anyone knows a tent trailer for sale let me know - I need a porta-potty! Looks like you had a great time and I can't believe the pinecone police wouldn't just leave the poor kids alone and let them have their fun! Some people have nothing better to do. Great pictures!! Oh - and your Goodwill/yard sale post got me taking pictures around the house to do a post. Come check it out (it may be a little while). ;)

Brenda said...

I love camping. I remember racing pinecones with my cousins in the stream, it's amazing what can entertain kids (and adults).

Shayla said...

Looks like a super fun trip, minus the flat tire. I love the pic of Branson and Sydney knocked out on the boat. I don't know how you get a 7 year old to fall asleep on the floor of a boat, she must have been tired!

Ms. Kristen said...

Fun memories! Bummer about the tire! So, did you fix it?
You are a fun momma!

meohmyers said...

Darn that stretch of road from Spokane! We also had a tire on our boat trailer blow on that exact stretch of highway! What a curse!

Very cute pictures of your weekend! Either your boys are getting extremely tall or you are shrinking! :) Brady LOVES measuring up to me. It's just a matter of weeks before I'll be looking him in the eye.

Oh the destruction those pinecones would have caused! I'm so glad that lady was there to put a stop to that catastrophe! (Does sarcasm make it's way through a computer? Hope so!)

Deborama said...

How fun! I love all the pictures! I love camping! Since Scott has been in scouts he gets his fair share and never wants to go with us on his weekends "off". this weekend was perfect weather! :)

Jan said...

Thanks for the book review. I was just curious about them because Mattie showed an interest and I didn't know enough about them. Your awesome. And I am seriously going to campaign against the pinecone police... What is the world coming too. Next we can't roast marshmellows because it will offend the Michelin tire man...

Anonymous said...

what a great mom you are to go with your family. i love the picture of branson asleep with sydney. aaahhhh. babies asleep. it is one of a mother's greatest joys. you are so funny about the pinecone anal lady. ha ha ha.

Lisa Christine said...

A lady actually thought that the pine cones would hurt the fish....lol...that's the funniest thing I're read in a while.

Sounds like a fun weekend with your family :)