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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Controlling Media in Our Home

I have been asked to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting this Sunday. My Subject is Controlling the Media in Our Home.

Media is defined as : A vehicle or group of vehicles used to convey information, news, entertainment, and advertising messages to an audience, such as books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, motion pictures and recordings.

I would love your input..How do you maintain a Christlike atmosphere in your home with everything the world is throwing at us through the media?


Jan said...

Right now, I am so very lucky. Mattie doesn't like to watch tv much. She just doesn't. I find it a little sad when I want her too. If you know what I mean. I could put in a movie, and 20 minutes into it, she is bored. It is a blessing though.

Like yesterday, she made bracelets all day long.

Controlling media is a very hard thing right now. It might not be the show, it could be the commercials you are fighting during the show. It is always something. I do know that at the grocery stores is a litte tougher. I remember when Rylie was little and I was looking over at him and there was a girl in a skimpy top looking right at my little boy from the magazine. I was so upset at the media right then and there.

I complained for weeks to Fred Meyers. (my shopping spot) about their magazines. I would tell them you are to classy (kissing up) to have such nonsense of magazines in your checkouts. Pretty soon, they had a family friendly check out. I know it wasn't me, but I did pursue pretty heavily. Then when they did do something about it, I praised them just as much.

We can always turn off and play games too. Can't wait for Sunday. Good luck.

aubrey said...

This is such a great subject! There is a remarkable cd from John Bytheway called "Turn Off the TV and Get A Life", I love it! I wish everyone would listen to it.

Good luck with the talk!

Anonymous said...

we had a stake president at BYU who sat down every week with their family and decided which ONE show each child was going to watch. if it hadn't ever been seen before, the parents watched it first and then decided. it helped them stop watching endless t.v. and letting smut slide in becuase they didn't know it would be there. i loved that idea. then there is the most certain rule that children should never have a t.v. in their rooms. ever. i'm very opinionated about this and i believe with all my heart that this and keeping computers in open areas are must haves. no excuses. none. soap box done.

Bren's Life said...

Ok- I JUST finished the book. I have the worst headache because I read as much as my eyes will possibly let me...
I want to tell you I haven't forgotten about you & the Pay it forward. I guess you could just say the book over powered the desire to do gifts. But I have been thinking about it & now have the stuff to start it...
About media.. That is really hard for me, I love tv & watch a lot. But they don't watch anthing pg-13 or listen to music outside of Disney. We see shows before them usually & restrict games that have violence...

Alicia Leppert said...

I have so much to say on this topic, but I'll keep it short. I am EXTREMELY picky with what my kids watch, which is mostly movies we own and know well and a few PBS shows. I change the song on my iPod if it's something I don't want them to hear, and in the evenings we don't have the tv on when they're awake, because they start watching and listening like hawks and within seconds pick up something I don't want them to see or hear. And I am so in agreement with what Noelle said. I don't think kids should ever have tv's in their rooms or computers with access to the internet. And...just because it's Disney doesn't mean it's okay for your kid.

Robin Beck said...

I would have to say-Having raised 5 kids (really 6 kids) that if I had it to do all over again I would take the TV's out of my house. Sure, they will get to see some things at their friends house but I let my kids watch too much. TV had a huge impact on my youngest daughter...(not a good impact either) My parents had TV's but we were only allowed to watch it very little and ONLY as a family so my parents could talk to us about the things we saw. Very smart. We did a lot of playing outside and had to keep our minds creative and on the Creator not the filth of the World.
Best to you on this subject. :)

Jan said...

Amy. Oh how I wish you could have taken a picture of Ed and the dog. I didn't even know they were cruising up the street. Too bad. I have seen it before, but of course it was before I took pictures :)

Good advice in here today. Should give you some great tips.

Lisa Christine said...

Great topic, but tricky too. I am careful about what I let come into my home by way of media. My home is my own little piece of the world and I refuse to let 'the world' come in and taint my little piece of paradise. I allow my girls to watch Disney, PBS kids, and Boomerang (which shows old cartoons from when we were young). but there is NO Nickelodeon! They were picking up way to many bad habits and words from that station.

I rarely watch the TV myself. Sometimes in the evening, but almost not at all during the day.

Donald loves the world news, but I find that it brings a negative feeling into the home. So I try not to let it be on too much.

I think that I like to live in a little bubble of happiness...oh well, that's the way I like it.

Good luck with your talk, so about the randomness of my comment.

Kris said...

I know a lot of people do this, but it hasn't been mentioned, so I'll say it. I always listen to music on Sunday mornings before church. Having the MOTAB on really helps bring the spirit into my home. I hate watching the news, it's always so sad and scary. I also like to watch and listen to what my kids are watching. Good Luck. This is a great topic and I would love to hear your talk on Sunday! You'll do great.

SuzanSayz said...

I am not very good when it comes to TV, well more like watching R rated movies and such. But, and this is a big BUT, when my children were young I never let them watch anything with innapropriate content. I remember when the movie Titanic came out. Courtney was in 5th grade, and it seemed like every girl in her class had seen it. I couldn't believe parents letting ten year old girls watch that movie. Being exposed to those things at such a young age is so harmful for children. We are still very careful what we let Shawn watch. Don is really good too about not watching R rated movies. I'm the bad one, if I want to see something I see it no matter what it is rated. But that probably amounts to no more than 10 or less movies a year. I can't stand hearing the F-bomb being dropped so if there is any of that I just say NO. I also hate those stupid slasher films. They are so stupid and have very little plot and rely only on blood gore and shock value. I'm sure that you will give a very moving and informative talk tomorrow, your ward is in for a treat.

Elizabeth said...

You did a good job on that talk on Sunday. It was helping me think about what I should do for my upcoming talk. Oh and I love the new background.